
The Hare and the Tortoise

The rabbit loves running. He was running whenever he can. He was proud of his running, so he Laughed the turtle which runs so slowly. One day, the rabbit
planed to hold a race and he recruited the member compete with him. The turtle ran for the race. Nobody thought the turtle wins the race, but
the rabbit took a nap between the race. After all, the rabbit lost the race. I think the story tells us "Slow and steady wins the race".

10 件のコメント:

  1. I think this story tells us very important things:)

  2. I agree with you!! All of us should be modest.

  3. I want to read this book!!

  4. I want read the English version !

  5. I think the story teachs me to think about what we see.
    The hare focused on the tortoise while the tortoise looked at the goal. I think your idea is intersting! This story tells us something important.

  6. So cute!
    I want to read it!
