
BR1-16 The Princess and the Pea

There was a prince who wanted marry a princess. But he couldn't decide, because he wanted to marry a real princess. The prince set out to travel the world to search a real princess. He took with him many clothes and his cousin, Fred. They hadn't gone far when they found that anyone hid under the seat. It's Peg! She was a palace maid. Why? It's so surprised! She said that she wanted to go adventure. Freg argued that Peg shouldn't come with them, but it was too far to come back to them palace. So she joined them. They visited the witch's house to ask how to search a real princess. The witch was known to so terrible by everyone, but she may know everything. The prince knocked the witch's door and the witch opened the door. She was not terrible. She taught them how to search a real princess. First, politeness to one and all. Second, kindness to rich and poor. Third, very sensitive skin. The witch explained about the third, " she could feel a pea under twenty mattresses if she is a real princess. She feasted lunch, but the taste is so terrible. The prince and Freg couldn't eat, but Peg ate it. She said " I didn't hurt the witch's feelings." They visited many princesses to search a real princess, but nobody passed the test. But Peg was kind to beggar, too. I didn't know why written the sentence about Peg's kindness. They returned their palace. Peg was scolded by the cook and she have to wash many dishes. She couldn't sleep the day. Next day, she must clean the bed for the test. She was so sleepy and slept there. She found the bed is too hard because she had very sensitive skin. The prince was surprised that! He said " Peg is a real princess. Peg, will you marry me?" I was so surprised! The prince married the maid!

This book is in the Usborne Young Reading series. It has cute illustrations. I recommend to read this book.

Hans Christian Anderson.(2007). The Princess and the Pea. London: Usborne.


BR1-15 Hansel and Gretel

The poor woodcutter had two children. Their name was Hansel and Gretel. They were so poor, so them stepmother wanted to leave them in the forest. One day, the family go out to the forest. Hansel found his mother want to leave them to the forest, so he collected stones and drop them the way. I think Hansel is clever! Hansel and Gretel left the forest, but they could go home. Them stepmother was annoyed and she decided to take them deeper into the forest. Them father was disagreed this, but she ignored him. Next day, them stepmother took them to the forest. Hansel didn't have stones, so he dropped his bread. They started to go home, but the bread was eaten by bird. They couldn't go home. It's a pinch! They wandered the forest and they found the house of sweets! It looks delicious! They met the resident and the resident gave them many sweets. They thought she is kind, but she wanted to eat them. They noticed this and Gretel beat her. Gretel is so brave! They took some jewels and many food to the house. The birds showed them the way home. They could home! Them father was overjoyed and the stepmother was not there. She left and lived in a new brick house. They lived happily. I felt happy!

This book is in the Usborne Young Reading series. It has cute illustrations. I want you to read this book.

The brothers Grimm.(2005). Hansel and Gretel. London: Usborne.

BR1-14 Stories of Wizards

This book has four stories. I'll introduce the one of the favorite stories. The title is "The band of robbers". One day, the wizard and the goblin were walking together in the woods. They didn't see a robber creeping behind them. The robber hit the wizard's head with his club and he shouted "Give me your gold!"I think they were so poor because they were robbed them money by the robber and the witch was injured. After that, they went to the castle to ask for help. The queen wrapped the wizard's head in bandages. The king and the queen were threatened by the robber. The wizard and the goblin wanted to help the king and queen, but they thought it is difficult. But the goblin never gave up and gathered leaves. The wizard came up with the spell to see many leaves. I didn't know what happened. Next day, the robbers came to the castle and request money. The king and queen didn't have money, but they could find many money. Why? They didn't know that, but they felt happy. The robbers felt happy to get a lot of money, but they changed leaves! The wizard spell is changing leaves to money temporarily! It's so surprise! I felt happy to see the robbers. They couldn't get money!

This book is in the Usborne Young Reading series. It has nice illustrations. I want everyone to read it.

Christopher Rawson.(2007). Stories of Wizards. London:Usborne.


BR1-13 The Phantom of the Opera

The ghost appeared in the opera house. The ghost was called "the phantom of the opera". A lot of mysterious things was happened by the phantom. It's so terrible! First, the phantom sent letter to the people who is in charge of the opera house. The contents of the letter is that they should pay money for the phantom and they ought to free 5 box for the phantom. If they don't do that, terrible thing will happen. They were so angry because they couldn't understand why they should do that. I think so. Second, one famous opera singer couldn't sing and young singer sang instead of her. The young singer was not famous, but she was getting popular soon. Why the famous singer couldn't sing? Anyone knew the reason. The young singer could sing like a angel. She got new music teacher. Who is the teacher? It's mysterious. After that,the young singer fell in love with a man. She told that her new music teacher is the phantom.The phantom is not ghost but a man! It's so surprised! The phantom loved the singer and he wanted her to marry him, but the phantom let her free. I didn't know why he did so? He could catch her and kill her lover. It's difficult for me to understand. I think this story is difficult,but interesting story!

Jennifer Bassett.(2000). The Phantom of the Opera. England: Oxford.